A few points to consider:
- Are you being led or in the lead?
- Are you being TOLD what to do?
- Are you being SOLD what to do?
It's been said and widely accepted that "You are the sum total of the five people you hang around" - Or something to that affect, and in the past I've uttered these words as well. Looking at this a little closer can reveal interesting points to consider. And let me say that I do believe that your friends do say a lot about you, but so does the "Lady behind the curtain" you aren't allowed to see, but can hear and are asked to follow blindly.
Considering the reason people associate, and with whom they associate, is an important point because different characteristics are assigned to different modes of influences, both internal and external. Often times folks believe that they'll rise to some degree of success, stature or position simply by association and this is just not the case, unless of course one simply wants to associate, and there is something to "belonging for the sake of belonging."
My work and development of "The Hierarchy of Influences" is nearly complete and will be posted soon. The chart looks at several points relating to influences we are under and those influences we attempt to put other people under, and the characteristics associated with those influences.
Here are a few points to consider relating to the influences if life and business:
- Familiarities
- Need for Validation
- Need for Agreement
- Loyalties to people, ideas and concepts
- Decisions we make and why
There are basic default modes and foundational positions we take just to get by from day-to-day and what I hope to do with "The Hierarchy of Influences" is to deliver a tool that wil help people reach the rarefied position of Opinion Leader.
Stay tuned.
All the Best,
Scott Evans
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