Sunday, August 26, 2012

Allow for Inspiration Now!

Allow for Inspiration Now

Reading, writing, building, simply creating something that gives you a sensation… Now that is a thing of inspiration. What is pushing on us sufficient enough to direct our thoughts and decisions? Good or bad decisions, something is pulling, tugging at us to go this way or that. The question is which way do you go? Without a willingness to be inspired by any one thing, person or people, we are locked in a sort of tug-of-war with what our next move is. 

Well, we may not always know what the right thing to do is, but the wrong thing to do is nothing. This sort of thing can’t occur in a vacuum or be the product of a contented life. We’ve heard and read material on living in the NOW – but I contend that those wielding power over us in some fashion or another are causing our NOW to be something other than we might want. Who or what is deciding your NOW?   

Only by experiencing more, and encountering more people and places, can we then fine-tune our direction of attention toward that which inspires. Sometimes we rely on a gut feeling to decide what direction to move; rest assured the experience(s) behind that feeling may be well founded, something is behind that feeling that says, “allow for inspiration NOW.”

If one were to take a micro to macro approach to being that person who others look to for inspiration, what a whirlwind of excitement we’d have. It works like this – first make as big an impression in the micro, your immediate surroundings, and your area of influence – just go cause positive effects on people you can touch NOW! 

When you have that on a virtual autopilot you can reach beyond your immediate confines and cause positive effects on people you may have never seen. Look at starting a blog about things that inspire you, then watch out – when managed on a regular basis the impact you may have can be quite interesting. In turn, those folks you reach share their own words, what put a smile on their face or planted that seed of thought that prompted some action on their part. 

Never underestimate your power to inspire another. Even if you have to start with a ripple, with enough attention and intention one of those ripples may just swell up into a tidal wave of inspiration and enthusiasm, just the thing that the person on the other end might need to get through a tough day, or finish a project. Best of all you may leave two things in your wake – a provocative thought, and perhaps even a much-needed smile. 

All the Best,
Scott Evans

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